How is salary insurance calculated?

 Learn how salary insurance is calculated and what factors affect the compensation provided to workers. Discover the elements that influence salary insurance calculation, how compensation is calculated, and coverage limits. In this article, we will take a closer look at how salary insurance is calculated.

Table of Contents

  • Elements that affect the calculation of salary insurance
  • How is the amount of compensation calculated?
  • Coverage limits
  • Example of salary insurance calculation
  • Conclusion


Elements that affect the calculation of salary insurance

The amount of compensation provided by salary insurance depends on several elements, including:

  1. Salary amount: The amount of compensation typically depends on the worker’s salary. The higher the salary, the higher the compensation will be.
  2. Duration of incapacity to work: The amount of compensation also depends on the length of the incapacity to work. The longer the incapacity to work, the higher the compensation will be.
  3. Type of salary insurance: The amount of compensation can also depend on the type of salary insurance purchased. Short-term salary insurance provides compensation for a shorter period of time, while long-term salary insurance provides compensation for a longer period of time.
  4. Eligibility criteria: Eligibility criteria for salary insurance can also affect the amount of compensation provided. Some employers may offer more comprehensive coverage than others.

How is the amount of compensation calculated?

The amount of compensation is generally calculated as a percentage of the worker’s salary. This percentage may vary depending on the type of salary insurance purchased and the eligibility criteria. Typically, compensation can range from 60% to 80% of the worker’s salary.

For example, if a worker’s annual salary is $50,000 and the salary insurance offers compensation of 70% of the salary, the worker would receive compensation of $35,000 ( $50,000 x 70%) during the period of incapacity to work.

Coverage limits

It is important to note that salary insurance may have coverage limits. Coverage limits can include maximum compensation amounts and maximum compensation durations. It is important to understand coverage limits before purchasing salary insurance.

Example of salary insurance calculation

To better understand how salary insurance is calculated, here is an example:

A worker earns an annual salary of $60,000. Their employer offers salary insurance that provides compensation equal to 70% of their salary in the event of incapacity to work. The worker is diagnosed with an injury that will prevent them from working for the next six months.

The amount of compensation would be calculated as follows:

  • Worker’s annual salary: $60,000 Percentage of compensation: 70%
  • Weekly compensation: $60,000 x 70% = $42,000 $42,000 / 52 weeks = $807.69

The weekly compensation in this example would be $807.69. This amount would be paid every week during the worker’s period of incapacity to work.


Salary insurance is an important form of insurance to protect workers’ financial security in the event of incapacity to work. The amount of compensation provided by salary insurance depends on several elements, including the worker’s salary amount, duration of incapacity to work, type of salary insurance purchased, and eligibility criteria. It is important to understand how salary insurance is calculated and coverage limits before purchasing salary insurance.